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Want to Make a Lot of Money? Start Selling NFT
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have gained popularity as a new way to buy and sell unique digital assets. If you're interested in making money by selling NFTs, here are some steps you can take:

Create unique digital assets: The first step in making money selling NFTs is to create unique digital assets that people will want to buy. These could be anything from digital art to music, videos, or virtual real estate.

Mint your NFTs: To sell your digital assets as NFTs, you'll need to mint them, which involves creating a unique token on a blockchain that represents your creation. There are several platforms that allow you to mint NFTs, such as OpenSea, Rarible, or Nifty Gateway.

Set a price for your NFTs: Once your NFTs are minted, you'll need to set a price for them. You can base your price on various factors, such as the uniqueness of your creation, the demand for similar assets, or the perceived value of your work.

List your NFTs for sale: After you've set a price, you can list your NFTs for sale on a marketplace. There are several NFT marketplaces where you can sell your creations, such as OpenSea, SuperRare, or KnownOrigin.

Market your NFTs: To increase your chances of selling your NFTs, you'll want to market them effectively. This could involve promoting your creations on social media, attending NFT events, or collaborating with other artists or influencers.

Collect royalties: Many NFT marketplaces allow creators to earn royalties every time their NFTs are sold. This means that you can earn a percentage of the sale price every time your NFT is resold, which can be a lucrative way to earn passive income.
I mentioned to one of my kids that I was trying my hand at investing in cryptocurrencies. He told me to "Forget about it!" He said if I wanted to make money quicker then I should invest in NFTs. I sort of have a mental block when it comes to NFTs. I just don't understand them. You can invest in NFTs, NFT stocks, NFT technology, NFT tokens, etc. All I can say is that is not for me. ... Not yet! LOL.

How to Invest in NFTs: Create, Buy, Sell & Make Money From NFT
I don't really hear many people talking about NFTs that much anymore. I'm sure they're still somewhat valuable, but I think coins are much better than NFTs. I used to see discussions of NFTs everywhere on Twitter and heck even during the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade a few years back too. So that means even big corporations like Macy's seen something in NFTs.
NFTs don't seem to be as popular anymore I have noticed but I always did wonder how and why NFTs did so well when it comes to investing in them and selling them. Due to my lack of knowledge with them, I never tried it.

Is this still popular?

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