You need to save money regularly. Saving regularly means, you save 10-20 percent every time you receive your pay check or payment. It does not matter whether you are employed in a company, self-employed or have a business, you need to save regularly. Let’s say you received $10, you can save $1-$2 from this payment, or you received $1000 from your company, you need to save $100-$200 from your pay check.
You need to save your money on high interest bearing saving account. You can also save your money as cryptocurrency, if you have high risk tolerance level.
When you save regularly...
You can build retirement funds gradually.
You can build emergency funds
You can build investment funds
You can build business funds
You can buy assets (a house for example).
If you save regularly for 10-20 years, and compound the interest, you will be able to use your money for various purpose. Saving regularly will make you financially independent.
You need to save your money on high interest bearing saving account. You can also save your money as cryptocurrency, if you have high risk tolerance level.
When you save regularly...
You can build retirement funds gradually.
You can build emergency funds
You can build investment funds
You can build business funds
You can buy assets (a house for example).
If you save regularly for 10-20 years, and compound the interest, you will be able to use your money for various purpose. Saving regularly will make you financially independent.