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Letting your woman save for you?
I have heard some people say that it's difficult to save money for them. Even if they do, they will still end up taking the money from either the bank or safe where they kept it and use it.

It's why they prefer giving their money to their woman/wife/girlfriend to help them save it. 

Do you think that's a wise decision for anyone to take?
The same could be said having the husband or boyfriend help the woman save it. I think it has more to do with who you trust. If you can't trust your significant other with the financial details, then they wouldn't be the ones to help you save. If however, they are good at saving & have some great pointers on how to budget, enlist their help.
I think it depends on how far you have gone with such a woman. Letting my woman save money for me will simply mean that I trust her not to mess up with my money for whatever reason. So, it goes a long way when you consider the connection that both persons have. For me, I see nothing wrong with that.
It depends on how well your relationship is with your woman. If you feel that you can trust her to save the money you're investing in, then there shouldn't be a problem with her saving money. However, if you feel that you cannot trust her with money then it's best to have a separate account. I trust my partner and we have a joint account.
I personally feel that it depends on the relationship and which one of you is better at saving than the other. Whilst in some cases, the woman may be better at saving money, in other cases it could be the man who is and she would much rather he took care of the savings.

I myself am quite good at saving myself but if needed, I would allow my partner to deal with the savings as well.
(07-04-2023, 09:02 PM)Ravenfreak Wrote: It depends on how well your relationship is with your woman. If you feel that you can trust her to save the money you're investing in, then there shouldn't be a problem with her saving money. However, if you feel that you cannot trust her with money then it's best to have a separate account. I trust my partner and we have a joint account.

This is true. It is always dependent on the type of relationship that you have and how much you trust your partner. When it comes to money, it is always a funny experience with how people can change. So, I believe that coming to terms that your woman can not abscond with your money is key to letting them keep the money.
I don't think that it has to do something with the gender of rhe person. Be it a male or female, anyone can be good with financial planning. Some people are more financially smart and disciplined than others and it has nothing to do with the gender. Women in most societies are home maker and they get better with financial management. Out of the two people in a relationship, both should be responsible for financial saving. One who is better with financial smartness can lead.
I don't let anyone save for me, not even my wife, I always like to be in control of my finances and what I do with my money, I've never liked other people to take care of what I do with money, I think it's the best way to have your own criteria and learn to do things on your own.

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