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Have you ever been scammed when buying an NFT?
By buying an NFT you would think that there would not be a way to scam people but with anything, people will find a way if there is one. One thing I have not openly heard about it people being scammed when it comes to buying NFTs so it does make me wonder if anyone has known someone to be scammed when buying an NFT? What was the NFT that was offered and how were they scammed? 

Is there any way that you could get help if you were scammed by an NFT sale or would it just be a loss for the buyer?
Fortunately, this did not happen to me, but when NFT projects first began to gain popularity, there was a lot of scams there, as everywhere. Many people just copied the famous platforms and when people tried to take over the wallet, they just stole the data and withdrew funds from their wallets.
Luckily I've never bought an NFT, so I haven't been scammed with any NFTs, I've heard hundreds of scams with NFTs and there are still many, I'm not interested in NFTs right now so I think there will be no problems for me with this.
I have never been a fan of NFTs. This is the reason why I haven't invested in any of them and as such, I have never been scammed in such projects. Personally, I believe that NFTs are no longer popular the way they used to be.
I have never been a fan of NFTs. I just don’t get the concept of buying arts and pictures hoping it will make you profits. I will rather stick to my cryptocurrency.

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