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Do you find it difficult to save money?
When it comes to saving money, many people can do it without even trying and others tend to struggle and don't seem to be able to save as much as they would like. I myself as much as I try to save there is always something that ends up going wrong or prices sky rocket and I have to pull from my savings to be able to pay for what is needed meaning I can't always keep much saved up due to that. I am hoping the more I earn the more I may be able to keep to the side regardless of the issues or price rises. 

Are you someone who finds it easy to save money or do you struggle for any reason? What usually causes you to struggle if you do?
I used to be better about saving some money, in fact I had two accounts where a bit of my paycheck would be added to my other account. It got to the point where my main account kept getting overdrawn so my bank canceled my savings account... I have a bad habit about buying things. I am much better than I was when I had my savings account, but I really need to work more on it. I get in these moods where I want to purchase games, or themes, domains, etc. and then I might go overboard.
I was always frugal with my living. I got that as a part of growing up in a middle class income family where value of money gets automatically instilled into our lifestyle through the way of living. It is a legacy that gets passed down the generation. Though we have become better with economic status, my old habit of frugal living is hard to go. I have always tried to save as much as possible. But tes at times, it doesn't go well as planned because of sky rocketing prices or some unaccounted unseen emergency.. But I guess that it's a part and parcel of our lives. Overall, I am happy with whatever savings and investments that I have done. Yes, it can always get better.
Right now I'm finding that it's not that hard to save money, because over time, if you do things right in your field, you start to make more money, and more money leads to more savings, besides, if you're studying moderately how to improve your finances and how to save more, then you end up saving money on a myriad of things.
No, I don't really find it difficult to save money because I spend according to the budget I make at the beginning of each month. Making a budget and following it really helps. For people who are new, one easy way to start is by following the 50-30-20 rule.

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