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Have you ever been victim of a crypto rug pull?
Something that is new that I learned researching more about crypto is that rug pulls are a very real thing and something you should always be looking out for when it comes to investing in crypto. 

A rug pull is where a company will hype up their token or their NFT getting people to invest in it and when the time comes that they make enough, they run with the money and all investors lose everything. 

It's something that is awful to experience depending on how much you invest into the token or NFT and it is not always easy to spot. 

Have you ever been a victim of a crypto rug pull?
I only a small amount of money with a service called Mosdex. Mosdex ended up being a rug-pull, which you read more about on this post here.  This is one example of millions of rug pulls and just proves the point that you should only invest what you can afford to loose.

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