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  What kind of life insurance do you have at the moment?
Posted by: Shortie - 12-23-2022, 12:15 AM - Forum: Life Insurance - Replies (1)

With there being so many options for life insurance it can often be difficult to make a decision right away as to which company you may want to go with and what benefits would fit best for you and for your family. In some cases, some people will find they find life insurance pretty quickly because they are lucky enough to find a company that offers what they are looking for.

What kind of life insurance do you have at the moment? 

I myself don't have any life insurance at the moment even though I really should have. My issue is having to look and find the best company and the best benefits for me and my family and something like that can take a lot of time and can also be a little daunting I guess.

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  Do you look around for the best life insurance?
Posted by: Shortie - 12-21-2022, 08:32 PM - Forum: Life Insurance - Replies (1)

When it comes to life insurance, you always want to look for the best insurance that will give you peace of mind when you eventually pass that will help your family out the most when you are gone. Life insurance can help with so much such as may be hospital bills, health fees, and even a funeral after you pass so you always want to go with the best insurance company that will give you the best for your money. 

Are you someone who looks around before choosing a life insurance company to go with? What are the main factors you look for when it comes to getting life insurance and what is the main selling point for you?

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  How much have you lost before when investing in Crypto?
Posted by: Shortie - 12-21-2022, 08:28 PM - Forum: Cryptocurrency, NFT, Metaverse - Replies (7)

Investing in Cryptocurrency is not something you should do on a whim and definitely not before you have done some research into investing in cryptocurrency and worked out which one would be the best to invest in. I myself decided to buy some Crypto the other day on PayPal and I bought bitcoin but I didn't go mad and I only bought £1 of Bitcoin to see how it went and so far it's pretty much stayed stagnant and only maybe gone up by about £0.01 so I am not really making anything off what I bought at the moment but I will keep it there just to see what happens.

Unfortunately, there have been times when people have gone made when buying Crypto and investing in it and they have lost more than they put in which can often leave one feeling pretty deflated. 

How much have you invested in the past in Crypto and did you lose anything afterward? How much did you lose if you did?

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  How much do you put in your savings and how often?
Posted by: Shortie - 12-21-2022, 08:23 PM - Forum: Saving Money - Replies (1)

With each person, it varies on how much they tend to put into their savings and how much they put in each time. Maybe you earn a certain amount each week and you are able to put the same amount in say each week and others may not be able to do it weekly but more monthly instead and different amounts each time. It all really does by their capability of being able to put away and how often and how much. 

I myself try and put at least something away each week if I can even if it's just maybe £5 or £10 but due to the cost of living and rising inflation that can sometimes be difficult to do or if I am able to, sometimes I have to take it back due to rising costs. It's definitely not been an easy time to save consistently at the moment. 

Do you do you put away in your savings and how often do you put it away? Does it vary for you?

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  Do you have a savings account?
Posted by: Shortie - 12-21-2022, 08:20 PM - Forum: Saving Money - Replies (2)

When it comes to saving money, many people prefer to have a whole separate savings account where they can save their money and keep tabs on what they have saved and easily move money over when needed to keep topping the savings up. I do know that some people will also just keep savings aside in another separate bank account rather than a savings account so it seems that it is personal preference on how they like to do it. 

I don't know about all banks but some banks I know sometimes add interest when you use your savings account and keep savings in there so you are also making money in there just from saving. 

Do you have a savings account to save your money or do you just use another separate bank account to save your money? Do you bank account add interest on when you save in a specific type of savings account or is that not an option for you?

I have a savings account myself where I will put as much as I feel I can in there each week, unfortunately, due to the cost of living and the price increases, it can often be difficult to keep money in there without needing to pull it back.

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  Do you find it difficult to save money?
Posted by: Shortie - 12-21-2022, 07:44 PM - Forum: Saving Money - Replies (4)

When it comes to saving money, many people can do it without even trying and others tend to struggle and don't seem to be able to save as much as they would like. I myself as much as I try to save there is always something that ends up going wrong or prices sky rocket and I have to pull from my savings to be able to pay for what is needed meaning I can't always keep much saved up due to that. I am hoping the more I earn the more I may be able to keep to the side regardless of the issues or price rises. 

Are you someone who finds it easy to save money or do you struggle for any reason? What usually causes you to struggle if you do?

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  Hey there
Posted by: Shortie - 12-21-2022, 07:39 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (1)

Hey there! I am Shortie. I am a mother to 4 and an avid gamer, and music listener and I also dabble in content creation and freelancing. I am looking forward to being here and sharing my opinions and advice as best I can as well as learning new things myself. Take care all!

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  Have you invested in Crypto?
Posted by: Shortie - 12-21-2022, 07:37 PM - Forum: Cryptocurrency, NFT, Metaverse - No Replies

For the first time the other day invested in Bitcoin through PayPal, I am still learning little about it all so figured I would start out small and see what happened. I bought £1 of bitcoin and going to see how it goes. Obviously, I am not expecting a miracle but I am curious to see how it goes. 

Have you invested in Crypto? Which did you invest in and how much did you invest? Has it paid off so far or are you still waiting for it to pay off?

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  Online small business
Posted by: Rannviv - 12-11-2022, 11:43 AM - Forum: Small Businesses - Replies (2)

How to explore Online small business nowadays ?

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  RanjanR Newbie Member
Posted by: RanjanR - 12-09-2022, 02:33 PM - Forum: Introductions - No Replies

Hello All,
I am RanjanR, I am the new member of insurancediscussion community, I feel so glad for joining.


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